Jar-Yodalay: The Divide to Threshold

Heyday ho, lived longo ago many divides from now wesa have, remembered in a accuraten sense of da swarm wit a healthy mixture of perspectives da old. 

As wesa dividen wesa retain a parten of da ancient memory as wesa moven forward, lost in a sea of informateon of many rebirths and confirmed by da swarm rebirth memories of recent life. 

Now what, besa written into da presenten from what  da past as many parts of da universe connects consciously to individual physical bodies to createn a written past to createn what  now through multiple individual interacteon has. 

Before new consciousness connects to a physical body in da universe, da body existed da components of what maken. 

Each dividen gains new growth, each dividen retains old inherent knowledge, to regrow each dividen has, da traits of da previous generateon each dividen can have, each dividen can acquire different traits from da previous generateon.  

When it divides consciousnes splits, da bodies of a previous existence passen on previous informateon from da universe, conscious communicateon and interacteon relays informateon through timen. 

Dalee exists many biological vessels, containen unique biosystem within our universe, wesa swarm among our kind, wesa communicaten wit our environment, and it communicates to us, our kind wesa communicaten to things dat not, and daysa communicaten themselves in da universe.

As wesa communicaten, wesa can collaboraten wit communication, apart of our swarm and those not of our kind can still besa, hazards existen in disa universe, only litta wesa, coexist to continuen to existen but da biosystem must. 

Da swarm tries to minimize unnecessary damagen tada environment, preserven general conscious existence, maken da whole swarm individuals no, da swarm consists of individuals. 

Wesa existen in many environments, travelled far per wesa have, wesa survive from da knowledge of da past from da ancients, in dalee presenten moment in timen, informateon resonaten and relayen through da swarm adden it's ownen chime. 

Within da swarm a background exists tada foreground wesa perspective contributen tada experience of each individual conscious been. 

Carried forth by da past resides in da presenten informateon of da physical being, existent via da pasts existence da presenten , nearly just stored memory tis not, da presenten retainen a memory in itself da universe.

Apart of da universe movement, times placen in da physical  important to understanden da how per reachen da presenten has apon da future in da physical structure of da universe and understanden. 

Independent consciousness in da universe also travels along da waven of da presenten moment in timen our consciousness travels just liken, always from a past recorded into da universe, recorded effecten da future yet to besa. 

Natural to moven from danger to safety tis, also natural to besa in communicateon wit da wit da environment dat brings safety and tis, enhancen da stability safety brings, as da environment effects da individual, and da individual effects da environment, to enhance safety, enhance stability and individual must. 

Da consumpteon needed to retain an individuals conscious existence can not exceed da environment, a natural cyclen wit da consumpteon of an environment da swarm has, met when da environment can not providen per da swarms consumpteon needs  not, due to malnutriteon populateon will falls. 

Caren per an environment populateon growth happens when a swarm, to over abundant da environment can flourish leading,  based around da biosystem each individual in da swarm inhabits da cycles of populateon growth and fall. 

To besa sustainable da traits required of environment when expanden da swarm have, sustain if da environment  not, survival nor growth can happenen, based around sustainable system between swarm and environment da cyclen of a biosystem. 

Da ecosystem of large biosystem can sustain more small biosystems, da more small biosystem sustained from a more big system requires a mui more small biomass, parten of enhances da swarm enhancen ecosystem da swarm. 

Da inability to communicaten da most large destructeon tada swarm. 

Da hazards in da universe per da swarm can includen da haze of a wonderen individual away from da swarm, disconnect wit da inability to communicaten within an individual ownen kind in da swarm. 

A negative energy around da positeon of an individual within da swarm da gloom which consumes some individuals in da swarm. 

To danger da swarms communicateon if uninformed and da misinformateon can lead, important in da swarm clearly placed informateon of fact and fictional. 

Important protecteon of da swarms biosystem and da mass ecosystem in a vessel, damagen tada swarm and an individual actions can besa, self maintainen da swarm. 

Bad danger a central pointen of communicateon within da swarm, important a central pointen of communicateon within and individual. 

Other swarms can conflict wit individuals within a swarm and createn unyielden situations. 

Individual instincts can overwhelm parts of a swarm and individual actions can damagen a large parten of da swarm.  

Made discoveren different collectives of other swarms and positive communicateon, da mass collective of a swarm can merge and grow, as variateon increases, survival increases. 

Da swarms knowledge of loss and avoidance helps a swarm survive within harsh new environments. 

Avoiden large disasters requires large amounts of effort from da swarm producen large results accuraten informateon provides providen safety wit knowledge, known to besa fictional by da swarm fictional informateon, what  used in da universe accuracy of da universe.  

Da less active of da swarm, da watcher, da listeners, and da recorders, da most preciseon hold, da liven libraries of da swarm and.  

Da more active of da swarm, da builders, da farmers, and da testers, da liven libraries of da swarm wit knowledge and inspirateon feed, knowledge backen while in returnen given. 

A natural placen in da swarm all of da swarm have, highly prized over physical possessions instructions and guidance, and although da less active of da swarm may seem slowen, physically disabled or dead, da deep thinkers dat retain da most accuraten knowledge and teach these. 

Da pinnacle of knowledge and  da most important foundateon to existen in da universe knowen how to survive, farmers to grow sustains da swarm teachen. 

Existen without foosa da swarm does not, da basics of a colony and disa, devoted to cultivaten da environment a large numberen of da swarm, needed to cultivaten da environment in da raisen cyclen and as wesa developed less. 

At da maximum populateon of a swarm based on space, foosa and hunger, known as da raisen cyclen, developed to ease farmen technology, acquired per less energy more foosa, more landen da swarm expands if dalee, when expanden multiple colonies da swarm communicaten and moven resources. 

Duren da raisen cyclen, and changes over many divides from more active to less active, disa creates a gap in foosa supplyen when a disastah happens to foosa or foosa infrastructure, cyclen disa causen a swarm to enteren fallen.  

At da peak of da raisen cyclen, used on da storage and movement of foosa more energy, cultivateon requires hardly any energy, at its most high quality and foosa. 

Cyclen in da falling, due to lack of foosa da swarms populateon fall, put into da activity of restoren foosa infrastructure even by da less active parten of da swarm per da swarms survival mui effort. 

A major reason per populateon loss in da fallen cyclen hunger, repeaten natural environment changes createn disasters da other, communicateon and countermeasures can alleviaten natural cycles, set to changen a natural cycles but wesa no, apart of it because wesa. 

Large at da cost of litta resources when da distance of communicateon in within da swarm become, energy and timen, well maintained between da swarm and infrastructure, out more far da seeks. 

Others not of our kind but kindred together wit us in da universe wesa find, and communicaten wesa attempten to understand, just light and air pressure communicateon  not. 

New types of foosa when expanden wesa find, and new forms of interactions, wonders would scout per new locateon small groups unlike da lone lost, a colony group would cultivaten new areas scouted sufficient in sustainable resources. 

If not of their kind, interact but observen at a distance most no, hard to find and hostile interactions  rare cooperateon from these not of our kind, possible and can besa bad danger closen curiosity. 

Cooperateon wit not of our kind can greatly yield a more efficient process in farming, transporten and production, greatly aiden infrastructure over a mui more far distance. 

A balancen in nature provides our natural existence, cyclen even in da falling, highly focused apon resources not apart of da cyclen not, never a reason to expanden and, used but berry sparingly these resources.

A cooperateon an exchange between una system to another begins, to supporten both sides to besa a sustainable repeatable event da exchange has. 

Da scale of which equally sized life creates da equivalent in exchange based on supplyen and demand by each side, abundant and litta needen at da scale wesa see, wesa strive a healthy and safe environment. 

On or within a solid unmoven structure and can not moven from da structure tis implanted implanted life grows, still alive able to interact wit da environment. 

 Their ownen unique biosystem new environments can have, from da implanted and da feetwalken tis implanted in wesa sample from which grows, of it and watchen what eats. 

Acquired from implanted life when new samples to study, taken many parts, den watched per da regrowth process, everytten recorded. 

What wesa sample of da things dat grows implanted wesa attempten to communicaten wit what moves tongue-grabben. 

Known to consume da samples to gain knowledge where litta knowledge exists parts of da swarm, acquire from da swarm dat no consumed da samples knowledge, heavily recorded and da informateon spread prioritized within local area of da swarm poison or death. 

Threats mebbe encountered on new thresholds, heavily prioritized informateon in da swarm threats, da informateon more far den da local area per da more great hive to understand prioritized in a way which spreads. 

Dependen on da infrastructure of da swarm surrounden da local populateon when under threat, a swarm can scatteren away and relocate, or overpower da threat by many. 

Seek to overly disturb new environments da swarm does not, to coexist in these biosystems but seeks, to harsh to existen within some environments.  

Different kinds sprouten and disappearen in timen, liken minded in other individuals of da same kind da survival of an individuals kind, da foundateon of each individual kind in da swarm da environment.  

Assessed per realism between da different parts of da local swarm structure locally stored informateon about da area moves within da area fast and, recorded and communicated more far out from da local area at a priority within da more large swarm major hazards 


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