The Keepers
"Going along every few hours among the sleeping crowds in a hibernation state, the keepers check over a dormant swarm."
"Cacooned in are own individual shells to protects us while we sleep, the keepers maintains the basic functions of the swarms, alerting us should we need to be awoken."
"We hibernate when being carried along vast distances in large numbers, we hibernate when waiting for the season when food grows, we hibernate to protect ourselves, the protection we hibernate in is strong."
"We can hibernate for years at a time, the keeper feeds, cleans and move about those in hibernation, keeping the swarm from over heating and freezing in harsh temperatures."
"In the hibernation state, the sleep is deep, once every few days, a hazy awakening state last less than an hour, to drift back onto a deep sleep"
"The first few hours after leaving the cocoons we are hazy and slow to awaken, especially after hibernating for long periods of time."
"In the little bit of time when we are awake, hazy minded, the keepers bring food to sustain us in a sleeping state, due to less activity, we require less food."
"We sleep a normal day pattern, unlike hibernation we awaken faster and are a quicker to activity, no keeper checks on us when we sleep, only in hibernation."
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