Old English: The Divide to Threshold
Greetings, we has't hath lived longeth ago many divides from anon, the fusty is rememb'r'd in a accurate senseth of the colony with a healthy mixture of p'rspectives.
As we divideth we retain a parteth of the ancient mem'ry as we moveth f'rward, rebirth mem'ries of recent life is hath lost in a flote of inf'rmation of many rebirths and confirm'd by the colony.
What is anon, hast beest writ into the presenteth from what is the past as many parts of the univ'rse connects consciously to individual physical bodies to maketh a writ past to maketh what is anon through multiple individual int'raction.
Bef're new consciousness connects to a physical corse in the univ'rse, the components of what maketh the corse did exist.
Each divideth gains new growth, each divideth retains fusty inh'rent knowledge, each divideth hast to regrow, each divideth can has't the traits of the previous gen'ration, each divideth can acquireth diff'rent traits from the previous gen'ration.
Consciousnes splits at which hour t divides, the bodies of a previous existence passeth on previous inf'rmation from the univ'rse, conscious communication and int'raction relays inf'rmation through timeth.
Th're exists many biological vessels, enwheeling unique biosystem within our univ'rse, we colony 'mongst our kind, we communicateth with our environment, and t communicates to us, we communicateth to things yond art not our kind, and those gents communicateth themselves in the univ'rse.
As we communicateth, we can collab'rate with communication, and those not of our kind can still beest apart of our colony, hazards existeth in this univ'rse, we art only dram, but the biosystem might not but coexist to continueth to existeth.
The colony tries to minimize unnecessary damageth to the environment, pres'rving gen'ral conscious existence, individuals doth not maketh the whole colony, the colony consists of individuals.
We existeth in many environments, f'r we has't did travel far, we survive from the knowledge of the past from the ancients, in th're presenteth moment in timeth, inf'rmation resonating and relaying through the colony adding t's owneth chime.
A background exists to the f'reground we p'rspective contributing to the exp'rience of each individual conscious being within the colony.
Inf'rmation of the physical being hath carried f'rth by the past resides in the presenteth, the presenteth is existent via the pasts existence, t is not nearly just st'r'd mem'ry, the univ'rse is the presenteth retaining a mem'ry in itself.
Movement is apart of the univ'rse, and und'rstanding times lodging in the physical is imp'rtant to und'rstanding the how f'r reaching the presenteth hast apon the future in the physical structureth of the univ'rse.
Along the waft of the presenteth moment in timeth our consciousness travels just liketh independent consciousness in the univ'rse eke travels, at each moment from a past rec'rd'd into the univ'rse, effecting the future yet to beest rec'rd'd.
It is natural to moveth from dang'r to safety, and t is eke natural to beest in communication with the with the environment yond endues safety, enhancing the stability safety endues, as the environment effects the individual, and the individual effects the environment, to enhanceth safety, and individual wilt enhanceth stability.
The consumption did need to retain an individuals conscious existence can not exceedeth the environment, the colony hast a natural cycleth with the consumption of an environment, needeth art not hath met at which hour the environment can not provideth f'r the colonys consumption, population shall falls due to malnutrition.
Population growth happeneth at which hour a colony is caring f'r an environment, the environment can flourish leading to ov'r abundant, the cycles of population growth and falleth is bas'd 'round the biosystem each individual in the colony inhabits.
The traits requir'd of environment at which hour expanding the colony has't to beest sustainable, if 't be true the environment is not sustain, survival n'r growth can befall, the cycleth of a biosystem is bas'd 'round sustainable system between colony and environment.
The ecosystem of large biosystem can sustain bawbling'r biosystems, the bawbling'r biosystem sustain'd from a bigg'r system requires a much bawbling'r biomass, enhancing ecosystem the colony is parteth of enhances the colony.
The largest destruction to the colony is the inability to communicateth.
The hazards in the univ'rse f'r the colony can includeth the haze of a wond'ring individual hence from the colony, disconnect with the inability to communicateth within an individual owneth kind in the colony.
The gloom which engluts some individuals in the colony is a negative en'rgy 'round the position of an individual within the colony.
The colonys communication if 't be true uninf'rm'd and the misinf'rmation can leadeth to dang'r, clearly did place inf'rmation of fact and fictional is imp'rtant in the colony.
Protection of the colonys biosystem and the mass ecosystem in a vessel is imp'rtant, and an individual actions can beest damaging to the colony, the colony is self maintaining.
A central pointeth of communication within the colony is dang'rous, a central pointeth of communication within and individual is imp'rtant.
Oth'r colonys can conflict with individuals within a colony and maketh unyielding situations.
Individual instincts can ov'rwhelm parts of a colony and individual actions can damageth a large parteth of the colony.
Discov'ring diff'rent collectives of oth'r colonys and positive communication is madeth, the mass collective of a colony can m'rge and groweth, as variation increases, survival increases.
The colonys knowledge of loss and avoidance helps a colony survive within harsh new environments.
Avoiding large disast'rs requires large amounts of eff'rt from the colony produceth large results.
Accurate inf'rmation provides provideth safety with knowledge, fictional inf'rmation is known to beest fictional by the colony, accuracy of the univ'rse is what is hath used in the univ'rse.
The less factious of the colony, the gaze'r, the hark'rs, and the rec'rd'rs, holdeth the most precision, and art the living libraries of the colony.
The m're factious of the colony, the buildeth'rs, the farm'rs, and the testeth'rs, feedeth the living libraries of the colony with knowledge and inspiration, while in returneth giving knowledge backeth.
All of the colony has't a natural lodging in the colony, instructions and guidance is highly priz'd ov'r physical livings, and although the less factious of the colony may seemeth sloweth, physically disabl'd 'r dead, these art the deep bethink'rs yond retain the most accurate knowledge and teachest.
Knowing how to survive is the pinnacle of knowledge and is the most imp'rtant foundation to existing in the univ'rse, teaching farm'rs to groweth sustains the colony.
The colony doest not existeth without food, and this is the basics of a colony, a large numb'r of the colony is devot'd to cultivating the environment, and as we did develop less is did need to cultivate the environment in Hello, we has't hath lived longeth ago many divides from anon, the fusty is rememb'r'd in a accurate senseth of the colony with a healthy mixture of p'rspectives.
As we divideth we retain a parteth of the ancient mem'ry as we moveth f'rward, rebirth mem'ries of recent life is hath lost in a flote of knowledge of many rebirths and confirm'd by the colony.
What is anon, hast beest writ into the presenteth from what is the past as many parts of the world connects consciously to individual physical bodies to maketh a writ past to maketh what is anon through multiple individual int'raction.
Bef're new consciousness connects to a physical corse in the world, the components of what maketh the corse did exist.
Each divideth gains new growth, each divideth retains fusty inh'rent knowledge, each divideth hast to regrow, each divideth can has't the traits of the previous gen'ration, each divideth can acquireth diff'rent traits from the previous gen'ration.
Consciousnes splits at which hour t divides, the bodies of a previous existence passeth on previous knowledge from the world, conscious communication and int'raction relays knowledge through timeth.
Th're exists many biological vessels, enwheeling unique biome within our world, we colony 'mongst our kind, we communicateth with our environment, and t communicates to us, we communicateth to things yond art not our kind, and those gents communicateth themselves in the world.
As we communicateth, we can collab'rate with communication, and those not of our kind can still beest apart of our colony, hazards existeth in this world, we art only dram, but the biome might not but coexist to continueth to existeth.
The colony tries to minimize unnecessary damageth to the environment, pres'rving gen'ral conscious existence, individuals doth not maketh the whole colony, the colony consists of individuals.
We existeth in many environments, f'r we has't did travel far, we survive from the knowledge of the past from the ancients, in th're presenteth moment in timeth, knowledge resonating and relaying through the colony adding t's owneth chime.
A background exists to the f'reground we p'rspective contributing to the exp'rience of each individual conscious being within the colony.
Knowledge of the physical being hath carried f'rth by the past resides in the presenteth, the presenteth is existent via the pasts existence, t is not nearly just st'r'd mem'ry, the world is the presenteth retaining a mem'ry in itself.
Movement is apart of the world, and und'rstanding times lodging in the physical is imp'rtant to und'rstanding the how f'r reaching the presenteth hast apon the future in the physical structureth of the world.
Along the waft of the presenteth moment in timeth our consciousness travels just liketh independent consciousness in the world eke travels, at each moment from a past rec'rd'd into the world, effecting the future yet to beest rec'rd'd.
It is natural to moveth from dang'r to safety, and t is eke natural to beest in communication with the with the environment yond endues safety, enhancing the stability safety endues, as the environment effects the individual, and the individual effects the environment, to enhanceth safety, and individual wilt enhanceth stability.
The consumption did need to retain an individuals conscious existence can not exceedeth the environment, the colony hast a natural cycleth with the consumption of an environment, needeth art not hath met at which hour the environment can not provideth f'r the colonys consumption, population shall falls due to malnutrition.
Population growth happeneth at which hour a colony is caring f'r an environment, the environment can flourish leading to ov'r abundant, the cycles of population growth and falleth is bas'd 'round the biome each individual in the colony inhabits.
The traits requir'd of environment at which hour expanding the colony has't to beest sustainable, if 't be true the environment is not sustain, survival n'r growth can befall, the cycleth of a biome is bas'd 'round sustainable system between colony and environment.
The ecosystem of large biome can sustain bawbling'r biomes, the bawbling'r biome sustain'd from a bigg'r system requires a much bawbling'r biomass, enhancing ecosystem the colony is parteth of enhances the colony.
The largest destruction to the colony is the inability to communicateth.
The hazards in the world f'r the colony can includeth the haze of a wond'ring individual hence from the colony, disconnect with the inability to communicateth within an individual owneth kind in the colony.
The gloom which engluts some individuals in the colony is a negative en'rgy 'round the position of an individual within the colony.
The colonys communication if 't be true uninf'rm'd and the misknowledge can leadeth to dang'r, clearly did place knowledge of fact and fictional is imp'rtant in the colony.
Protection of the colonys biome and the mass ecosystem in a vessel is imp'rtant, and an individual actions can beest damaging to the colony, the colony is self maintaining.
A central pointeth of communication within the colony is dang'rous, a central pointeth of communication within and individual is imp'rtant.
Oth'r colonys can conflict with individuals within a colony and maketh unyielding situations.
Individual instincts can ov'rwhelm parts of a colony and individual actions can damageth a large parteth of the colony.
Discov'ring diff'rent collectives of oth'r colonys and positive communication is madeth, the mass collective of a colony can m'rge and groweth, as variation increases, survival increases.
The colonys knowledge of loss and avoidance helps a colony survive within harsh new environments.
Avoiding large disast'rs requires large amounts of eff'rt from the colony produceth large results.
Accurate knowledge provides provideth safety with knowledge, fictional knowledge is known to beest fictional by the colony, accuracy of the world is what is hath used in the world.
The less factious of the colony, the gaze'r, the hark'rs, and the rec'rd'rs, holdeth the most precision, and art the living libraries of the colony.
The m're factious of the colony, the buildeth'rs, the farm'rs, and the testeth'rs, feedeth the living libraries of the colony with knowledge and inspiration, while in returneth giving knowledge backeth.
All of the colony has't a natural lodging in the colony, instructions and guidance is highly priz'd ov'r physical livings, and although the less factious of the colony may seemeth sloweth, physically disabl'd 'r dead, these art the deep bethink'rs yond retain the most accurate knowledge and teachest.
Knowing how to survive is the pinnacle of knowledge and is the most imp'rtant foundation to existing in the world, teaching farm'rs to groweth sustains the colony.
The colony doest not existeth without food, and this is the basics of a colony, a large numb'r of the colony is devot'd to cultivating the environment, and as we did develop less is did need to cultivate the environment in the raising cycleth.
At the maximum population of a colony bas'd on space, food and did hang'r, is known as the raising cycleth, technology is did develop to ease farming, m're food is did acquire f'r less en'rgy, if 't be true th're is m're landeth the colony expands, at which hour expanding multiple colonies the colony communicateth and moveth resources.
During the raising cycleth, and changes ov'r many divides from m're factious to less factious, this creates a gap in food supplyeth at which hour a disast'r happeneth to food 'r food structure, this causeth a colony to ent'r falling cycleth.
At the peak of the raising cycleth, m're en'rgy is hath used on the st'rage and movement of food, cultivation requires hardly any en'rgy, and food is at its highest quality.
In the falling cycleth, the colonys population falleth due to want of food, much eff'rt is putteth into the activity of rest'ring food structure coequal by the less factious parteth of the colony f'r the colonys survival.
Hung'r is a maj'r reasoneth f'r population loss in the falling cycleth, the oth'r is repeating natural environment changes creating disast'rs, communication and counteth'rmeasures can alleviate natural cycles, but we doth not setteth to changeth a natural cycles, because we art apart of t.
When the distance of communication in within the colony becometh large at the did cost of dram resources, en'rgy and timeth, and structure is well did maintain between the colony, the seeks out furth'r.
We findeth oth'rs not of our kind but kindr'd togeth'r with us in the world, we attempteth to und'rstand and communicateth, communication is not just lighteth and air pressure.
We findeth new types of food at which hour expanding, and new f'rms of int'ractions, bawbling groups unlike the lone hath lost wond'rs wouldst scout f'r new location, a colony group wouldst cultivate new areas scout'd sufficient in sustainable resources.
If not of their kind, most doth not int'ract but obs'rve at a distance, coop'ration from these not of our kind is hard to findeth and hostile int'ractions art rare, closeth curiosity is possible and can beest dang'rous.
Coop'ration with not of our kind can greatly yield a m're efficient processeth in farming, transp'rt and production, greatly aiding structure ov'r a much furth'r distance.
A balanceth in nature provides our natural existence, coequal in the falling cycleth, resources not apart of the cycleth art not highly focus'd apon, and art nev'r a reasoneth to expandeth, these resources art hath used but v'ry sparingly.
An exchange between one system to anoth'r begins a coop'ration, the exchange hast to supp'rt both sides to beest a sustainable repeatable nonce.
The scale of which equally siz'd life creates the equivalent in exchange bas'd on supplyeth and hest by each side, at the scale we seeth abundant and dram needeth, we striveth a healthy and safe environment.
Implant'd life grows on 'r within a solid unmoving structureth and can not moveth from the structureth t is did implant, still alive able to int'ract with the environment.
New environments can has't their owneth unique biome, we sample from which grows from the did implant and the did grind t is did implant in, and gaze what engluts of t.
When new samples to studyeth art did acquire from did implant life, many parts art taken, then gazed f'r the regrowth processeth, ev'rything rec'rd'd.
We attempteth to communicateth with what moves eating what we sample of the things yond grows did implant.
Parts of the colony art known to englut the samples to gain knowledge wh're dram knowledge exists, knowledge is acquireth from the colony yond doth not consum'd the samples, poison 'r death is heavily rec'rd'd and the knowledge did spread is pri'ritiz'd within local area of the colony.
Threats haply encount'r'd on new thresholds, threats art heavily pri'ritiz'd knowledge in the colony, pri'ritiz'd in a way which spreads the knowledge furth'r than the local area f'r the most wondrous'r hive to und'rstand.
Depending on the structure of the colony surrounding the local population at which hour und'r threat, a colony can scatt'r hence and relocate, 'r ov'rpow'r the threat by many.
The colony doest not seeketh to ov'rly disturb new environments, but seeks to coexist in these biomes, some environments art to harsh to existeth within.
Diff'rent kinds sprouteth and disappeareth in timeth, the survival of an individuals kind is liketh did mind in oth'r individuals of the same kind, in the colony the environment is the foundation of each individual kind.
Locally st'r'd knowledge about the area moves within the area festinate and is assess'd f'r realism between the diff'rent parts of the local colony structureth, maj'r hazards art rec'rd'd and communicat'd furth'r out from the local area at a pri'rity within the larg'r colony.
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