"There are many like our swarms, large groups of the same kind gathered together, moving about between each other, a structure of resources exchange and communication exists between them, they are swarms of their own kind."
"Communication with the different kinds requires communication of different types, electromagnetic or pressure of a frequency range."
"The communication range when found then needs structure of what is to be communicated, the information in the communication is also important, translating different structured information pertaining to the roughly same thing."
"Touch is closest form of communication, an interaction between two different kinds this close requires trust, most of other kinds flee or defend, when danger is sensed we do the same."
"Different kinds can be aggressive and information of this spreads of this in the same kind, threats become known as threats."
"Some kinds may appear to be threatening when they are not, some kinds are not threatening but can be a threat."
"Blocking the communication of information is considered a threat to the swarm, and all senses can be interfered with with certain frequencies, we defend ourselves when detect interfering with frequencies of the swarm."
"We when to cut a connecting to a part of the swarm infected damaged thoughts, they can not spread their infections, nor can they lash out on their damaged thoughts, they can not exist when infection is not supplied."
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