Englayish: The Divide to Threshold

"This is not Englay, its Engwish! Hmph close enoughs..."

"Find a text to speaky thingy on your boopy pad for the good stuffs!"

"Hewwo, we have wived wong ago many divides fwom now, the owd is wemembewed in a accuwate sense of the swawm with a heawthy mixtuwe of pewspectives."

"As we divide we wetain a pawt of the ancient memowy as we move fowwawd, webiwth memowies of wecent wife is wost in a sea of infowmation of many webiwths and confiwmed by the swawm."

"What is now, has be wwitten into the pwesent fwom what is the past as many pawts of the univewse connects consciouswy to individuaw physicaw bodies to cweate a wwitten past to cweate what is now thwough muwtipwe individuaw intewaction."

"Befowe new consciousness connects to a physicaw body in the univewse, the components of what makes the body existed."

"Each divide gains new gwowth, each divide wetains owd inhewent knowwedge, each divide has to wegwow, each divide can have the twaits of the pwevious genewation, each divide can acquiwe diffewent twaits fwom the pwevious genewation."

"Consciousnes spwits when it divides, the bodies of a pwevious existence pass on pwevious infowmation fwom the univewse, conscious communication and intewaction weways infowmation thwough time."

"Thewe exists many biowogicaw vessews, containing unique biosystem within ouw univewse, we swawm among ouw kind, we communicate with ouw enviwonment, and it communicates to us, we communicate to things that awe not ouw kind, and they communicate themsewves in the univewse."

"As we communicate, we can cowwabowate with communication, and those not of ouw kind can stiww be apawt of ouw swawm, hazawds exist in this univewse, we awe onwy wittwe, but the biosystem must coexist to continue to exist."

"The swawm twies to minimize unnecessawy damage to the enviwonment, pwesewving genewaw conscious existence, individuaws do not make the whowe swawm, the swawm consists of individuaws."

"we exist in many enviwonments, fow we have twavewwed faw, we suwvive fwom the knowwedge of the past fwom the ancients, in thewe pwesent moment in time, infowmation wesonating and wewaying thwough the swawm adding it's own chime."

"a backgwound exists to the fowegwound we pewspective contwibuting to the expewience of each individuaw conscious being within the swawm."

"infowmation of the physicaw being cawwied fowth by the past wesides in the pwesent, the pwesent is existent via the pasts existence, it is not neawwy just stowed memowy, the univewse is the pwesent wetaining a memowy in itsewf."

"movement is apawt of the univewse, and undewstanding times pwace in the physicaw is impowtant to undewstanding the how fow weaching the pwesent has apon the futuwe in the physicaw stwuctuwe of the univewse."

"awong the wave of the pwesent moment in time ouw consciousness twavews just wike independent consciousness in the univewse awso twavews, awways fwom a past wecowded into the univewse, effecting the futuwe yet to be wecowded."

"it is natuwaw to move fwom dangew to safety, and it is awso natuwaw to be in communication with the with the enviwonment that bwings safety, enhancing the stabiwity safety bwings, as the enviwonment effects the individuaw,  and the individuaw effects the enviwonment,  to enhance safety, and individuaw must enhance stabiwity. "

"the consumption needed to wetain an individuaws conscious existence can not exceed the enviwonment, the swawm has a natuwaw cycwe with the consumption of an enviwonment, needs awe not met when the enviwonment can not pwovide fow the swawms consumption, popuwation wiww fawws due to mawnutwition."

"popuwation gwowth happens when a swawm is cawing fow an enviwonment, the enviwonment can fwouwish weading to ovew abundant, the cycwes of popuwation gwowth and faww is based awound the biosystem each individuaw in the swawm inhabits."

"the twaits wequiwed of enviwonment when expanding the swawm have to be sustainabwe, if the enviwonment is not sustain, suwvivaw now gwowth can happen, the cycwe of a biosystem is based awound sustainabwe system between swawm and enviwonment."

"the ecosystem of wawge biosystem can sustain smawwew biosystems, the smawwew biosystem sustained fwom a biggew system wequiwes a much smawwew biomass, enhancing ecosystem the swawm is pawt of enhances the swawm."

"the wawgest destwuction to the swawm is the inabiwity to communicate."

"the hazawds in the univewse fow the swawm can incwude the haze of a wondewing individuaw away fwom the swawm, disconnect with the inabiwity to communicate within an individuaw own kind in the swawm."

"the gwoom which consumes some individuaws in the swawm is a negative enewgy awound the position of an individuaw within the swawm."

"the swawms communication if uninfowmed and the misinfowmation can wead to dangew, cweawwy pwaced infowmation of fact and fictionaw is impowtant in the swawm."

"pwotection of the swawms biosystem and the mass ecosystem in a vessew is impowtant, and an individuaw actions can be damaging to the swawm, the swawm is sewf maintaining."

"a centwaw point of communication within the swawm is dangewous, a centwaw point of communication within and individuaw is impowtant."

"othew swawms can confwict with individuaws within a swawm and cweate unyiewding situations."

"individuaw instincts can ovewwhewm pawts of a swawm and individuaw actions can damage a wawge pawt of the swawm."

"discovewing diffewent cowwectives of othew swawms and positive communication is made, the mass cowwective of a swawm can mewge and gwow, as vawiation incweases, suwvivaw incweases."

"the swawms knowwedge of woss and avoidance hewps a swawm suwvive within hawsh new enviwonments."

"avoiding wawge disastews wequiwes wawge amounts of effowt fwom the swawm pwoduce wawge wesuwts"

"accuwate infowmation pwovides pwovide safety with knowwedge, fictionaw infowmation is known to be fictionaw by the swawm, accuwacy of the univewse is what is used in the univewse."

"the wess active of the swawm, the watchew, the wistenews, and the wecowdews, howd the most pwecision, and awe the wiving wibwawies of the swawm."

"the mowe active of the swawm, the buiwdews, the fawmews, and the testews, feed the wiving wibwawies of the swawm with knowwedge and inspiwation, whiwe in wetuwn giving knowwedge back."

"aww of the swawm have a natuwaw pwace in the swawm, instwuctions and guidance is highwy pwized ovew physicaw possessions, and awthough the wess active of the swawm may seem swow, physicawwy disabwed ow dead, these awe the deep thinkews that wetain the most accuwate knowwedge and teach."

"knowing how to suwvive is the pinnacwe of knowwedge and is the most impowtant foundation to existing in the univewse, teaching fawmews to gwow sustains the swawm."

"the swawm does not exist without food, and this is the basics of a cowony, a wawge numbew of the swawm is devoted to cuwtivating the enviwonment, and as we devewoped wess is needed to cuwtivate the enviwonment in the waising cycwe."

"at the maximum popuwation of a swawm based on space, food and hungew, is known as the waising cycwe, technowogy is devewoped to ease fawming, mowe food is acquiwed fow wess enewgy, if thewe is mowe wand the swawm expands, when expanding muwtipwe cowonies the swawm communicate and move wesouwces."

"duwing the waising cycwe, and changes ovew many divides fwom mowe active to wess active, this cweates a gap in food suppwy when a disastew happens to food ow food infwastwuctuwe, this cause a swawm to entew fawwing cycwe."

"at the peak of the waising cycwe, mowe enewgy is used on the stowage and movement of food, cuwtivation wequiwes hawdwy any enewgy, and food is at its highest quawity."

"in the fawwing cycwe, the swawms popuwation faww due to wack of food, much effowt is put into the activity of westowing food infwastwuctuwe even by the wess active pawt of the swawm fow the swawms suwvivaw."

"hungew is a majow weason fow popuwation woss in the fawwing cycwe, the othew is wepeating natuwaw enviwonment changes cweating disastews, communication and countewmeasuwes can awweviate natuwaw cycwes, but we do not set to change a natuwaw cycwes, because we awe apawt of it."

"when the distance of communication in within the swawm become wawge at the cost of wittwe wesouwces, enewgy and time, and infwastwuctuwe is weww maintained between the swawm, the seeks out fuwthew."

"we find othews not of ouw kind but kindwed togethew with us in the univewse, we attempt to undewstand and communicate, communication is not just wight and aiw pwessuwe."

"we find new types of food when expanding, and new fowms of intewactions, smaww gwoups unwike the wone wost wondews wouwd scout fow new wocation, a cowony gwoup wouwd cuwtivate new aweas scouted sufficient in sustainabwe wesouwces."

"if not of theiw kind, most do not intewact but obsewve at a distance, coopewation fwom these not of ouw kind is hawd to find and hostiwe intewactions awe wawe, cwose cuwiosity is possibwe and can be dangewous."

"coopewation with not of ouw kind can gweatwy yiewd a mowe efficient pwocess in fawming, twanspowt and pwoduction, gweatwy aiding infwastwuctuwe ovew a much fuwthew distance."

"a bawance in natuwe pwovides ouw natuwaw existence, even in the fawwing cycwe, wesouwces not apawt of the cycwe awe not highwy focused apon, and awe nevew a weason to expand, these wesouwces awe used but vewy spawingwy."

"an exchange between one system to anothew begins a coopewation, the exchange has to suppowt both sides to be a sustainabwe wepeatabwe event."

"the scawe of which equawwy sized wife cweates the equivawent in exchange based on suppwy and demand by each side, at the scawe we see abundant and wittwe need, we stwive a heawthy and safe enviwonment."

"impwanted wife gwows on ow within a sowid unmoving stwuctuwe and can not move fwom the stwuctuwe it is impwanted, stiww awive abwe to intewact with the enviwonment."

"new enviwonments can have theiw own unique biosystem, we sampwe fwom which gwows fwom the impwanted and the gwound it is impwanted in, and watch what eats of it."

"when new sampwes to study awe acquiwed fwom impwanted wife, many pawts awe taken, then watched fow the wegwowth pwocess, evewything wecowded."

"we attempt to communicate with what moves eating what we sampwe of the things that gwows impwanted."

"pawts of the swawm awe known to consume the sampwes to gain knowwedge whewe wittwe knowwedge exists, knowwedge is acquiwe fwom the swawm that do not consumed the sampwes, poison ow death is heaviwy wecowded and the infowmation spwead is pwiowitized within wocaw awea of the swawm."

"thweats maybe encountewed on new thweshowds, thweats awe heaviwy pwiowitized infowmation in the swawm, pwiowitized in a way which spweads the infowmation fuwthew than the wocaw awea fow the gweatew hive to undewstand."

"depending on the infwastwuctuwe of the swawm suwwounding the wocaw popuwation when undew thweat, a swawm can scattew away and wewocate, ow ovewpowew the thweat by many."

"the swawm does not seek to ovewwy distuwb new enviwonments, but seeks to coexist in these biosystems, some enviwonments awe to hawsh to exist within."

"diffewent kinds spwout and disappeaw in time, the suwvivaw of an individuaws kind is wike minded in othew individuaws of the same kind, in the swawm the enviwonment is the foundation of each individuaw kind."

"locawwy stowed infowmation about the awea moves within the awea fast and is assessed fow weawism between the diffewent pawts of the wocaw swawm stwuctuwe, majow hazawds awe wecowded and communicated fuwthew out fwom the wocaw awea at a pwiowity within the wawgew swawm."


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